Tuesday, May 5, 2020

World Reset 2020 Part 1

Covid19 has really put the World into reset, the pandemic issue ravenging across the globe cut everyone unaware because it was never expected as it was unforeseen. The consequences has brought lost of job, hunger, hardship, kiosk and tearing some home apart because of inability of a Father to meet up his daily hustle to feed his home. Giveaway or reaching out is a good palliative measure to sustain some homes at this junction and all can't be on government because promised are not fulfilled tho some philanthropists take as a duty of humanitarian. Helping your neighbor at a critical juncture like this will be more rewarding, because it's a privilege to help. If you have this opportunity to help now, please never hesitate to do this as it will be counted for you being human. You were born a human being but ensure you die as being human. God bless you.

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